Are You a Vaping Enthusiast?

Are You a Vaping Enthusiast?

A serious and dedicated subculture has sprung up around the act of consuming nicotine via a rechargeable piece of plastic. But it’s a subculture that plays out principally online, and not in public.

The participants interviewed by Volesky and colleagues and Tackett and colleagues reported low-dependence and a desire to quit smoking.

1. You’re the “vaping pro” at parties

If your YouTube home page is filled with videos from vaping vloggers like Jai Haze, you’re a true enthusiast. Vloggers often upload tutorial videos showing how to perform cool tricks on your e-cig.

When you go to a party and bring your vape, people are fascinated by your clouds. They may ask questions, or they might just want to try it themselves. This is a great way to spread the word about vaping.

However, you should be aware that some hosts might not be ok with vapers at their party. They might prefer you to vape outside or limit it to certain areas of the house. This is a good reason to check in with the host first and ask if it’s okay to bring your e-cig. Then you can decide how to proceed with bringing your device to the party. You might want to bring extra devices or refill juice if you think the situation calls for it.

2. You’re the vaping guide in your friends’ circle

You’re the go-to for advice on what to vape, which flavors are best, and new products. In fact, your friends often call you for vaping tips or to ask if an e-cig is safe for them.

Your child’s YouTube home page is filled with vloggers that take vaping very seriously. It’s a good idea to encourage your child to pursue hobbies and social activities that help them manage negative emotions, such as stress or boredom, rather than turning to vaping to cope.

Try to avoid bringing up the topic of vaping in high-pressure situations, such as after a tough school day or during a family dinner. Instead, try to talk about it during low-pressure moments — like when you’re cooking together or driving in the car. These conversations can feel less like a lecture and more like a conversation you’re having with them as friends. Use this Conversation Guide to help you get started.

3. You’re the first one to charge your e-cig

Most e-cigarettes have LED indicators that show when the device is charging and when it’s fully charged. If you leave your battery plugged into the charger for hours, it can cause it to overheat and be damaged. It’s important for vape enthusiasts to keep their batteries plugged into the charger only until they are ready to use them again.

Most people who are regular users of electronic cigarettes do not leave their battery plugged into the charger for hours, and they exercise a lot of care to ensure that they don’t overcharge their battery. This is because they know that a strained and overheated battery can damage it. Leaving your e-cigarette plugged in for too long can also reduce its longevity and make it less able to hold a charge. So if you’re the first one to get your vaping supplies charged, it may be time for you to switch to a new device! This can be done easily using an all in one vape with a USB fast charge port.

4. You’re the first one to order your vaping supplies

Vaping is a hobby, a passion, and for many, it’s a lifestyle. It is important for Vaping Enthusiast to understand certain aspects of their lifestyle so they can enjoy it safely and responsibly.

Vapers reported that the online community provided them with a forum to express themselves freely and without judgement, which is not always possible with their non-vaping friends and family. Participating in vape fora also allowed them to learn from other users and mentor newcomers.

When shopping for your vaping supplies, look for a site that has a variety of gear and ejuice options to choose from. Also, check the site’s shipping options and costs before purchasing. This will save you the gas/bus fare and hassle of having to make multiple trips to the store.